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Interface: PKCERequest



PropertyTypeDescriptionInherited from
address?stringthe address of the wallet to automatically link-
chain?string | numberThe network of the wallet to automatically link-
client_idstringthe authentication flow client id of the applicationPKCERequestShared.client_id
code_challengestringthe code challenge automatically generated by the SDKPKCERequestShared.code_challenge
code_challenge_method"S256"the code challenge method for the authentication flow , handled by the SDKPKCERequestShared.code_challenge_method
email?stringthe email of the user to prefill the login form-
redirect_uri?stringthe redirect uri of the applicationPKCERequestShared.redirect_uri
response_type"code"the response type of the authentication flow, handled by the SDK-
scope?string@deprecated: will be removed, the scope of the application-
signature?stringthe signature of the wallet to automatically link-
skip_create_account?booleanYou can skip the connect wallet and request IBAN steps in the Authorization Flow and use the Link Address and Request IBAN API endpoints after you have gotten the authorization-
skip_kyc?booleanYou can skip the KYC onboarding steps in the Authorization Flow and use the the details, additional data, and verifications API endpoints after you have gotten the authorization.-
state?stringthe state of the applicationPKCERequestShared.state