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Variable: constants

constants: {LINK_MESSAGE: 'I hereby declare that I am the address owner.';STORAGE_ACCESS_EXPIRY: 'monerium.sdk.access_expiry';STORAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN: 'monerium.sdk.access_token';STORAGE_CODE_VERIFIER: 'monerium.sdk.code_verifier'; }

Type declaration

NameTypeDefault valueDescriptionDefined in
LINK_MESSAGEstring'I hereby declare that I am the address owner.'The message used to link addresses.constants.ts:5
STORAGE_ACCESS_EXPIRYstring'monerium.sdk.access_expiry'The unix timestamp used to calculate the expiration time of the access token.constants.ts:17
STORAGE_ACCESS_TOKENstring'monerium.sdk.access_token'The key used to store the access token in the local storage.constants.ts:13
STORAGE_CODE_VERIFIERstring'monerium.sdk.code_verifier'The key used to store the code verifier in the local storage.constants.ts:9

Defined in
