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Function: MoneriumProvider()

MoneriumProvider(params: { children: ReactNode; clientId: string; debug: boolean; environment: "sandbox" | "production"; onRefreshTokenUpdate: (token: string) => void; redirectUri: string; redirectUrl: string; refreshToken: string; }): Element

Wrap your application with the Monerium provider.


params{ children: ReactNode; clientId: string; debug: boolean; environment: "sandbox" | "production"; onRefreshTokenUpdate: (token: string) => void; redirectUri: string; redirectUrl: string; refreshToken: string; }
params.childrenReactNodeRest of the application.
params.clientIdstringMonerium auth flow client id.
params.debug?booleanEnable debug mode.
params.environment?"sandbox" | "production"Monerium environment.
params.onRefreshTokenUpdate?(token: string) => voidCallback that is called when the refresh token is updated. Store it securely.
params.redirectUristringMonerium auth flow redirect url.
params.redirectUrl?stringDeprecated use redirectUri
params.refreshToken?stringProvide the securely stored refresh token to reconnect.

